Unn saves the day!

Vi är mitt uppe i ett krig här på jobbet.
I'm head of the rebellion. And at this very moment I believe that I've got a great advantadge against the enemy. Today I was the first to arrive at the scene of battle. I had to move quick, faster than the wind to succeed in my incredibly important, but highly dangerous -perhaps even mortal, mission.
I am happy to inform you that my mission was a great success!
At this very moment Billie the Vision and the Dancers is spinning away in the stereo, infiltrating the minds and musictastes of my coworkers.
This is a great victory in the war against the comercial-crap-radiostations!

Yesterday Aino tried a counteratack, when I came back from Alvesta she was playing a cd with Thorleifs. But I managed to replace it with Miss Li before my ears melted away in agony.
Rolf even liked it (!). Great success!


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